Thursday, September 14, 2006

Am I overly passive, extremely calm, or indifferent?

Because my mom was going out with the crazy Red Hat ladies last night, I decided to spring for a treat for my dad. He never gets hamburgers because my mom doesn't like them (and yes, she dictates at meal time). So I stopped by the local Burger King to pick up a couple burgers on my way home from school.

There was a line. I dutifully joined the line because there was only one till open. I had just been lulled into my happy place because the woman in front of me was just way too forgetful and demanding (oh, and could I get that cut in half...and could I get a different lid...and could I get some mayo instead of ketchup...), when another till opened. BKG (Burger King Girl) called out "can I help the next one in line". Before I could respond, this old guy, who was just approaching the counter, swung around to face the BKG and started demanding food. BKG gave me a "what can I do?" look, and went on with the transaction. Some guys in the line behind me made some noise. I leaned over and said to rude guy "hey, were you in the line? There's a line over here." He brilliantly said "you guys are in that line for that till, and I'm in this line for this till." Well, he had a point (somewhat), so I turned to the people behind me and kind of shrugged/smiled. The guy at the back of the line made some more noise, and then gave up. Clearly, we were dealing with some sort of crazy genius.

But the funny thing is that while I was waiting for my "food", it came to be guy in the back of the line's turn. And what did he want? What was he so upset that he had to wait another minute for? "Cold water, please."

At least he was polite about it.


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