Short entry today because last Monday was a short day. We went to (Paramount) Canada's Wonderland. It was supposed to be a day trip. I had been waiting to go to this place ever since MuchMusic went on the air and started broadcasting in front of the "mountain" with the waterfall.
Amusement parks are my geek weakness, and this was supposed to be one of the highlights of my trip. I was prepared. I took a Dramamine pill for motion sickness because I do remember, always, that I'm still damaged from that time when I was a kid, and that I'm still dizzy.
So we waited in a lineup for at least half an hour to go on the first ride, the Tom Cruise inspired/endorsed Top Gun rollercoaster (NOTE: While I was away, we did hear the news that Paramount dropped TC from its roster of stars. I really wanted to go back to Can's Wonderland to see if all references to TC were ripped away from the rides). That was a very stupid move, going on that rollercoaster first. I should have taken it easy and started with the non-looping coasters. I can handle those quite easily. I can usually handle the looping ones, usually.
That morning, perhaps the combination of heat stroke (it was a sunny and humid day), withdraw from my daily Starbuck's fix, and maybe even the new pill (I usually take Gravol) made me sick. I don't know. All I know is that I got off that ride, went straight to the washroom. I didn't throw up at first. I sat on the toilet for a while, trying to recover.
Then we walked around the park for a bit.
Then I went to the bathroom again, and sat on the toilet for a while. I thought I was good. Nothing had happened. So I left. I was just going to answer Craig's question, and I got the horrible feeling. I barely made it back into the washroom before all hell broke loose. I was apparently in there for an hour. Poor Craig. We just happened to be in the kiddie section, so he was stuck hearing screaming, whinging brats accompanied by kiddie music while I emptied my contents.
I crawled out of the washroom, and for revenge, he took this photo.

I managed to walk/stumble out of the park and across the street to catch a cab. The first cab company Craig called said that they didn't pick up there. Whatever.
So we went home, I took some Gravol, and fell asleep. We had been gone for 4 hours, and all we had managed to do was go on one ride and get me sick.
Later, Craig made some veggie green curry with tofu, sugar peas, carrots, and peppers. Sounds like the best thing to eat when you're motion sick, doesn't it?
Addendum to yesterday's entry for last Sunday:
When we finished lunch at yet another pub, Craig asked me if there was anything in particular that I wanted to see. We had already been to the extraordainary new design school building, but there was one museum in particular I wanted to visit. I thought that it would have perfect souvenirs for meladuck and scangie. Miraculously, we were right next door. I wasn't able to get exactly what I was looking for because there was a bitter little woman in a wheelchair who was blocking the way. She kept saying "these are so beeeauuuutiful" very loudly. Finally, she got pissy and badgered/asked one of the shopkeepers to reach some postcards down for her. She said loudly "since nobody else will help me". I'm sure that she thought that we were all handi-scared, but really, we were just too stupid to pick up on her unobviously hints for help.
New thing:
I just received a new writing assignment from alive magazine. On my last day, when we were driving to the restaurant for lunch, Susan asked me if I'd be interested in the new "life makeover" assignment. They were selecting people to be used as test subjects for various holistic healing methods to establish healthier lifestyles. I said "sure". It's to be a blogging-type thing, except the first assignment is 500 words about me and my health. Hmmmm, not exactly comfortable with that. We'll have to see what happens.
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