Friday, July 25, 2008

Dog Days

New neighbours moved in next door. We thought that this was a good thing because we heard from one of the previous renters (in a house that had been divided into 4 units), that the new owners were kicking everyone out because they wanted to live there.

Ahhhh, we though. Relief from all the comings and goings; relief from all the cars; relief.

Well, not so much. It is one family (as far as we can tell) that has moved in. And they have only three cars, which is the same number as we have (so we can't complain). The problem is their poor dog.

While I'm typing, it is howling. And I'm not complaining about the howling. I'd be howling too. They leave it chained to the boat trailer (small boat) all day. It sleeps in the sun, laying on the gravel. Whenever a car drives up, it jumps up, hopeful that someone has come home. We never see anyone interact with it. Sometimes, it knocks over it's water dish. Sometimes, it gets tangled up in the trailer hitch.

The first time it started howling was when it knocked over its water bucket. It would pick it up, and toss it around in the air, trying to get someone's attention. When that didn't work, it would bark. We looked just before the sun went down, and the poor thing was still out there with its tipped over water bucket.

I'm trying to write a snappy article for the magazine. It's about keeping unwanted mail out of your mailbox. To start the article, I wrote about dogs overwhelmed with their shredding duties because of all the junk mail. If only that was the dog-next-door's biggest problem.

We have reported them to the SPCA. I hope that they do something.


Blogger Flight of Ideas said...

Heartbreaking. I hope they do something too.

12:37 PM  
Blogger maikopunk said...

If the dog has food, shelter and water, the SPCA probably won't do much. Sadly, they don't enforce how people socialize their pets - until said pet escapes or bites someone.
I wish people would get/breed pets if they don't want to take care of it properly. Look at my dog (Mr. Growlyface) who still flinches when someone tries to pat him on the head.

8:42 AM  

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