Sunday, January 01, 2006

Oooh, lord. Help me.

My parents bought themselves a new dvd/vcr combo for Christmas (please, tech geeks, do not lecture me on the folly of buying a combo unit), and my mother has harassed me several times to "teach" her how to use it. I'm using quotes because she's the only one foolish enough to think that she will remember anything that I tell her. This is the woman who gets "vcr" and "dvd" mixed up. I see nothing but repeats in the future (first, turn on the power...) Perhaps I should write a set of instructions. If only this had happened before the end of the semester.

The reason why they wanted a combo is because the vcr is busted, and there is only enough room in the "entertainment center" for one additional unit (again with the quotes, because I'm using the term "entertainment" quite loosely here. It only applies if to you, the height of entertainment is the 6pm news hour followed by Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. If not, then just carry on as you were). And the reason why she wants the vcr to work is because there are so many videos which she hasn't seen. What she means is that there are many home movies which she has forgotten and wants to revisit. Hence my apprehension. I do not want to see these videos...yes, I'm miserable. Please read the title of the blog. She may want to reminisce, but I really don't want to relive all the embarassing moments. Honestly, I cannot think of one right now, but I know that there are many. Perhaps I've suppressed them all. That's a nice thought. What a nice Christmas present to myself. And I swing that right into a New Year's resolution: suppress the bad stuff. Surely, that's a good idea.

Happy New Year to all the PRFU folks. I've missed you (sniff), and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you (well, most of you...and I don't mean ALL of you...just the parts that should be visible).


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