Thursday, March 23, 2006

You know, my long-term memory sucks. So does my short-term memory, but that isn't pissing me off right now. No, my long-term memory is pissing me off because I had a great, bizarre dream last night and I neglected to wake myself up to write it down. I was going to share it with you all as part of the bizarre dream blog. But I can't, because I don't remember what it was about. For some reason, I think that Egypt was involved. We will probably never know.

Sticking with that same line of thought, the other reason why I'm hating my long-term memory is because while I was driving to school today, there was nothing on the radio. I had to keep switching stations in the vain hope to find something decent to listen to. When I did decide to settle on something, it was an "oldie" from the days of my youth. Incredibly, as I was listening, I realized that I had totally misunderstood one line of the lyrics. It totally made sense, and it made me smile. I couldn't wait to get to school and share this totally useless epiphany with such fellow schlockmeisters as maikopunk and meladuck. However, slamming the car door apparently cleared my memory, and for the life of me, I can't remember the damn song. It's really disappointing because it was such a crappy, '80's piece of crap.

To console myself, I finally was able to install Adobe CS 2 onto my computer. It's about a month too late for this semester (which is partly why I bought it), but I'm sure that I'll be able to put it into good use. If anything, I can brush up on the software skills. I was a little embarassed today that when Vince was talking to My Name Is Not Barbara about people's roles in our PF group, MNINB said that no-one has really stood out for graphic design. I'd like to protest and say that I haven't really had the chance yet. Just you wait. I'll show her. I'LL SHOW THEM ALL (by being completely skilled and artistic).


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