Friday, July 28, 2006

Cry for help.

Please PF peeps, give me some advice. I'm freaking over Calvin's last f-ing assignment. I had it all planned out. I knew which "document" I was going to use. There's a "famous" note written between my sister and I when we were both sick at one time. I apparently wasn't feeling too bad, and was bored. My sister felt like shit. We both had tonsilitus, so we were "talking" by passing notes under her door (she locked herself in because she felt like shit). It's a very funny note. Me: Let's play a game. She: No, screw off (we were only around 10, so her language wasn't that strong...which makes it that much more charming). However, my mother, who I've discovered has kept every useless greeting card from our childhood, as well as birthday party guest lists and menues, and Christmas lists, and all kinds of other useless junk, doesn't know where that note is. Great. I've spent the whole day looking, and I haven't found it.

So now I'm faced with Plan B which was...I didn't have a Plan B because I had a perfect plan for the first scenario. Now my choices are:
-sheet music for a piano duet that my sister and I played...the last time we played it together was the year we both quit piano lessons

-the post-it note that is still on the microwave which lists my sister's hospital room number

-a receipt some housewarming gifts we gave my sister and her husband, all of which her returned after she died

-some random airplane ticket or something, from when I went to school in England, or, if I'm lucky, when I went to Europe in high school

Please give me some ideas...what are you all doing? I haven't got a clue, and I need to get this done early in the weekend.


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