Still not in the mood to be too deep. But I am in the mood for sharing.
First, my dear classmate, she who cannot be stopped from knitting, gave me a lovely gift when I camped out on her couch (well, Don owns it too) when the snow was too much for my car. It's a lovely gift. I hope that I do it justice. Here are two photos:
I'm thinking that I need to lose the glasses. I've had them for several years now, and I do believe that the self-delusionment (that they make me look smart) is over. 

This fashion statement came in quite handy when I was walking from Evil's and MarriedtoEvil's apartment. It was cold out. The snow continued to fall. The cars continued to line up.
As I was walking down Columbia Street on my way to the Skytrain station, some guy in an SUV honked his horn and called over to me. "Can you see what's going on," he asked me. I looked at him, incredulous (mmmmmmm, big word...delicious). Traffic was backed up in both directions as far as I could see. It had been that way all afternoon. It would be that way all night. I looked back at him, and said "traffic's backed up." "Yeah," he said, "but is there an accident?"
What an idiot. Of course there were accidents. Everywhere.
I just laughed and walked away with my chick pea curry and my fancy new hat, secure in my superiority of being on foot. Thank you, Evil and MarriedtoEvil. You're lovely hosts.
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