Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm writing an article about the recent warning by Health Canada about cough syrups and kids. I’m tired, I’m stuck, and I just want to get it done. I have to think of a title and some subheads. So far, the only idea that I’m really satisfied with (on a very juvenile level), is calling the article “Suck on this”. It would be only sort of funny.

That reminds me of something from work today. My co-worker was telling me that he finally got some fairly thorough feedback on a User Guide from some SMEs. But it was only fairly thorough. As a joke and a test, in one of the diagram callouts he wrote something like “press the unfortunately named ______ button”, and nobody caught it. On some level, this gave him pleasure. But it also scared him a bit wondering what would happen if he forgot to change it back.

This reminded me of my near-miss moment. Over the last few days, I’ve been testing a digital video recorder. This unit allows users to name the cameras that are hooked up to it. Being a 7-year old boy at heart, I named my cameras “Poo”, “Ass”, “Boo”, and “Pee”. I almost forgot to change them back before taking about 50 screen shots. If I hadn't changed those names, they could have made it to the final document, been printed and distributed to the general public.

But why should I worry? Nobody reads those things anyhow. Well, that's what everyone says.


Blogger Flight of Ideas said...

I'd pay extra for instructions like that.

10:18 PM  
Blogger kuzcolike said...

Thank you. That's very affirming.

9:41 PM  

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