Sooooo, people of my blogoverse, did you like my heavy edit yesterday in Janis' class? Yes, it was my heavy edit which appeared on the overhead. Couldn't you tell? There were two dead giveaways. Come on, jnadiger. You should have picked up on one of the clues...the use of "therefore". I believe it was you who pointed out that I like to use that word. The article was sadly without the word, therefore, I had to insert one. Oh, maikopunk, please do not hate me for the heavy edit. It wasn't my fault. The devil made me do it. And for all of that effort and wasted ink, I was rewardly handsomely with a "good job" and basically the same mark I got on the first assignment.
To make up for it, here's a cute spring picture of the dog:

He's sitting outside, enjoying the sun.
And here's a picture of the cute little bunny that has moved in. I had to take the photo through a knothole in the fence so's not to scare the bunny away.
To make up for it, here's a cute spring picture of the dog:

He's sitting outside, enjoying the sun.
And here's a picture of the cute little bunny that has moved in. I had to take the photo through a knothole in the fence so's not to scare the bunny away.

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