Thursday, October 12, 2006

Someone who's opinion I respect and often seek took the time out of their day (yes, I'll use the singular's my damn blog) to tell me that they had read the articles I had written for alive, and that they were "cute".

This is the second time someone has done that to me. The first time was concerning the same articles. My good friend's only comment after reading my first three published articles was something along the lines of "so, you like the word 'so'. You used it to introduce the final paragraph in all three of your articles."

Granted, that's a valid point. (Here's the excuse, though...the three articles were written at different was just by some weird chain of coincidences that they all ended up in the same issue.) But that's all she had to say. I know that these articles aren't going to change the world, but a couple of them could change some people's lives.

Both incidences stung me a little. Perhaps I've been less than complimentary myself. If so, it's time to rectify the karma and the manners. Congratulations to all of you who've had successes. I may not understand the significance of your successes, but I do understand their importance to you.



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