Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I've been at the new job almost three months now. I know this because the computer keeps asking me to change my password, and when I mentioned it, someone said "You must be coming up to your three months."

It seems like an appropriate time to summarize my learnings:
1) Even though you hand things to people, they will lose them. The probability of this increases exponentially with the non-replacedness of the item. For instance, I spent half an afternoon highlighting the changes in a document for one of the project managers. The next day, he stopped by my desk to ask if I'd given it to him. My co-worker smirked at my devastation. Bastard.

2) No matter what, there will always be changes. Always.

3) Everyone in my department must have at least two monitors (and one must be an LCD flatscreen) so we can multitask. That multitasking can include answering personal emails, shopping for real estate, reading foreign papers online, and downloading movie previews.

4) There's an excellent language tool called wordweb, which can be used as a dictionary, thesaurus, and pronunciation guide. Today, my coworkers entertained themselves by making the software electronically read, in that robotic Microsoft reader voice, all kinds of semi-perverse words. But they used their headphones, so all I could hear was their laughing.

That's about it.


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