Friday, February 24, 2006

Jnadiger declared early in the week (I think even before his laptop betrayed him), that he would require a pub night after Thursday's Editing Fiasco. We, the accommodating (that's an appositive, folks), obliged without much argument. However, all the learning got to us, and we forgot that he was handily armed with his digital blackmailer. It was lame to forget. He had taken possibly hundreds of photos of the Prairie Queen only the day before (she of the mild protest, confusing us with her mild objections "No, no more" whilst constantly posing). What this means is that my only consolation while I sit here shivering with anticipation (name the movie reference) is that his laptop still might be hating him, and therefore the photos won't surface. The boy is resourceful, though, so that is a very small consolation. I can only hope that my neck isn't doing that weird thing like last time.


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