Monday, May 01, 2006

I should be doing the research for the articles I have to write for Alive (it's a small "a", but I'm too lazy to do the italics). I have to write about glucosamine+chondroitin=good times for people with osteoarthritis in their knees...(by the way, people who say "artheritis" piss me off), and about Sea Buckthorn (I have no idea either, but it's apparently the cure for all that ails you). But instead, I'm checking into the blogs and seeing that I haven't posted in a few days. That's what being sick will get you. Blogless.

Some of you, and you know who you are, are going through some whiny motions about "I don't think that I'll be doing my blog anymore." Well, I'd hate to call the pot "Sara", but quit being a brat. I enjoy reading your's clever, well-written, and I get to live vicariously through it. It's infinitely interesting. It's a pleasure to read. And...don't make me beg. Just keep doing it, 'kay?

Someone has to. And James keeps posting boring stuff about Stephen Colbert (who isn't as funny as Jon Stewart. He just isn't.)

Speaking of absenteeism...where is Xine? She hasn't blogged since the shebeen. Come on you lazy-asses...get with the blogging. I NEED you.

Okay, that was a pathetic outburst. I apologize. Carry on with what you were doing.


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