Sunday, January 21, 2007

I feel like I should post (and not a forced-upon-me school post), but I have no idea what to post about. Sure, I could bitch and complain more, but I've realized over the last few days that that is my mother's way of being, so I'm going to try my best not to be that way. Bitching and complaining isn't the complete picture. She's also really bossy. But I'll have to stop that line of thinking before I become what I'm trying to avoid.

Unfortunately, that leaves me topic-less. This reflects my homebound-ness for the weekend. It was supposed to be a catch-up weekend. So far, all I've managed to do is write out what I hope is most of my due dates for the semester. They're on my giant, four-month calendar, hopefully intimidating me into action with the sheer volume. So far...nothing. I'm immune.

But I have so much to do. There's the school work. There's the work work (monthly duties, writing assignments, posting to the discussion forum). Then there's the workout work (figure out some sort of schedule for going to the gym, figure out how to work in the training for the Sun Run, which I am walking). It feels like too much. It may be too much. We'll see.

I haven't even been keeping up with local and worldy news. Then again, those are things to avoid...I'm very likely to slip into a rant about the lack of personal responsibility (wounded/stranded hiker on Seymour, dead back-country camping couple, and that kid from Coquitlam who decided to go camping in the snow without telling anyone), or about the state of our healthcare system, or about the possible tearing down of the stadium (what a waste! Cities in Europe have public toilets that are older and more treasured). So I won't.

Instead, I'll give you the link to a website which comments and shares bad websites (in terms of design):

Have a little fun.


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